You want your business to take flight? You don’t have to fly solo.
WMDM has a range of customizable Solutions and Services to take you and your business where you want to go.
30-minute initial consultation / needs assessment
Book a 30-minute initial consultation and needs assessment meeting with Wingman Direct Marketing for $25 to discuss your business opportunities and/ or challenges. 100% of this initial meeting fee will be donated to a local Make-a-Wish chapter.

In addition, for every initial consultation /needs assessment booked with WMDM, we will match your $25 donation with $25 of our own and send $50 to Make-a-Wish. It’s a win-win. You receive top-end marketing strategy advice and are a part of making a difference for a child in our community.

600 Crowfoot Crescent NW, Suite 340
Calgary, AB T3G 0B4