Are You Ready For Takeoff?

Since March, most of our clients and prospects have had their marketing grounded. Thankfully, after almost two months of uncertainty, Alberta will be entering Stage 1 of its plans to loosen restrictions for many businesses. Are you ready for takeoff?

Per the relaunch strategy starting next Thursday (May 14th), restaurants can re-open at half capacity, hair salons can dust off their chairs, and farmers markets can open with limitations. Retailers, museums, outdoor activities, and other establishments that can ensure groups of less than 15 people can gather.  

It won’t be long after that date that more restrictions are loosened or removed altogether. 

With your doors opening again for the first time in 50+ days, it is a new sky you will be flying in. Your marketing will need some changes to the mission plans you used to know. You will need refreshed firepower.  

When you are ready for takeoff, you need a Wingman to watch your back. You don’t have to fly solo now or ever. 

Book a Wingman Today 

Book a one-hour consultation meeting with Wingman Direct Marketing for a donation of $25. 100% of this fee will be donated to the local Make-a-Wish chapter. In addition, for every booking with WMDM, we will match your $25 donation and send $50 to Make-a-Wish. It’s a win-win.