4 Ways to Market Your Commercial Cleaning Business

Have you thought about marketing for your commercial cleaning business? It is important to properly market your business in order to reach full potential growth. Continue reading to discover 4 ways to market your commercial cleaning business. Having the proper marketing strategies can help with promoting your services, bringing in…

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Google Ads Monthly Spend Limit Is Finally Here

For two very long decades, advertisers around the world have requested for a Google Ads monthly spend limit. It is only now that that request was delivered upon. On June 1st, advertisers will now be able to set a Google Ads monthly spend limit at the account level. Why is…

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Five Ways to Promote Your Business Without Talking About…You


The Wingman crew talks with 100+ small businesses and entrepreneurs every year and many share a similar situation – they want to create awareness and get more business, but self-promotion stops them cold. For many of them, marketing is the single most challenging and intimidating aspect of running their business….

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5 Excel Formulas You Need to Know

Excel Formula - Image of person using spreadsheet on tablet

If you’ve ever worked in an office job, there’s a high chance that you have heard of Microsoft Excel at least once or twice. Whether it’s a complex database in one workbook, or a couple minor bits of information contained in one spreadsheet, Excel is a part of most office…

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How long does it take to get website traffic?

Website traffic hands on keyboard

You thought you’d have more leads and sales by now! You launched your new website yesterday and still haven’t seen any forms be submitted. A little doubt knocks at your brain and suggests that you wasted your money or were sold magic marketing beans (again maybe?). The Wingman crew wants…

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Five ways WMDM uses ‘Wingmanning’ to Have your Back

Wingmanning to have your back. Two men standing in aircraft hangar looking at a tablet.

In a 2019 GQ article, author Sophia Benoit described “How to be a good Wingman.” Movies portray the Wingman assisting their friend in their pursuit of someone they find attractive. Wingman Direct Marketing (WMDM) favours the flight terminology that defines “Wingman” as a pilot who supports and protects the flight lead…

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Copy vs. Content: Fish Wrap vs. Fish Food

Copy vs content - A fish and a newspaper

“Content is King.” “Content Marketing.” “Paid Content.” “Content Management System.”  The term “content” is everywhere these days.   For writers, designers, web developers and video producers, content (and the creation of it) has become a driving source of new business.   It seems every marketing and advertising pundit, advisor and agency (including Wingman) is selling…

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Are You Ready For Takeoff?

Since March, most of our clients and prospects have had their marketing grounded. Thankfully, after almost two months of uncertainty, Alberta will be entering Stage 1 of its plans to loosen restrictions for many businesses. Are you ready for takeoff? Per the relaunch strategy starting next Thursday (May 14th), restaurants can re-open at half…

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SEO: Low Price Tag; High Importance

SEO - SEO in patterned text

It has always been important to maximize your marketing dollars, but now more than ever, you need to do more with less. Your ability to be found in Google or Bing searches is one of the least expensive ways to generate leads for your business. That’s where SEO comes in. Why is SEO so Important?  Search Engine…

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