Marketing Ideas for Landscapers

Landscaper drawing a professional landscaping plan.


Work with Wingman Direct Marketing to grow your landscaping business.   

After what can feel like a never-ending Canadian winter, it’s that time of year again. The sun is out, the birds are chirping and the promise of warm weather means one thing: It’s go-time for your landscaping company.  

It’s no secret that the landscaping business is a highly competitive market — especially in a country with a relatively short growing season. Indeed, whether you are a new company just starting out or an already established business looking to grow, it can feel overwhelming to ensure you stand out from the rest.  

That is what we are here for. With a WMDM Wingman by your side, your company will be able to navigate the competitive landscaping industry with confidence.  

Through a collaborative approach, we will work with you to audit your marketing needs, develop solutions to your problems and implement a strategic marketing plan. With access to our experts, we will save you the time and money needed to hire and train an in-house marketing team.  

Let us handle the marketing “stuff” so that you can focus on what you do best: Giving your customers excellent service while designing and caring for their out-door spaces.   

Read on to learn a few of the Wingman crew’s marketing ideas for landscapers.  

Invest in Logo Design  

Every day you help make your client’s outdoor spaces beautiful to look at. So, it follows that, for a company working in a highly visual industry, your logo design should also appeal to your prospective clients.  

Our crew can help you design an engaging and communicative logo that: 

  • Will act as the face of your landscaping business. While not your brand, your logo is a symbol that your customers will to associate with your company. It is key that your logo design represents your company, is easily recognizable and geared to your target audience. Just like how your landscaping designs stand out from the competition, your logo should too.  
  • Creates name recognition. When prospective or past clients begin to think of their landscaping needs, you want to be the company that comes to mind. People are very visual. Although a potential client may not have even started to research landscaping companies, if they have seen your logo and recognize your brand while scrolling through Google you’re already at an advantage.  
  • Builds trust with your target audience. At Wingman, we work with you every step of the way to design a logo you feel represents your company. This professional, thoughtful design helps customers feel that your business will deliver professional, thoughtful service.  

Get Creative with Direct Mail  

Even though we live in an increasingly digital age, direct mail time and time again proves to be an exceptionally effective marketing strategy. Not only does direct mail cut through digital clutter, but is also helps reinforce your company’s brand recognition. Indeed, the average return of direct mail is up to 27-times better than email and paid search. 

Our Wingman experts have decades of experience in the direct mail field. Work with us to develop a campaign that:  

  • Stands apart from digital noise. Since so much advertising occurs online, direct mail has become a novel experience for many customers — enabling your brand and call-to-action to stand out from the competition. Best case scenario, a potential lead has easy access to what they need to know most about your company; all their questions are answered without the need for time-consuming online research. Worst case scenario, even if a possible client doesn’t read your leaflet or brochure they will have seen your logo — thus increasing brand recognition.  
  • Promotes your message to a targeted audience. Direct mail is unique in that it can leverage all five senses — even taste. Creating thoughtful, engaging pieces of mail that are targeted to your ideal customer will help communicate your message and call-to-action while developing an emotional connection between your landscaping brand and customers.   
  • Reminds past clients of your services. Direct mail also provides an opportunity to remind previous customers of your outstanding service and reignite that emotional connection to your brand — saving you the time and cost of on-boarding new clients.  

Include a Lead Capture Page 

Although direct mail is an especially effective marketing strategy for your landscaping business, we do live in a digital age. Our crew can help you create a professional, easily navigational and informative website design that will also be key to your company’s growth.  

Part of your website’s success is including a lead capture page. This online form helps to: 

  • Provide customers something of value: Giving potential clients value as soon as they scope out your website increases their trust in your brand and faith in your expertise. For instance, consider including a newsletter subscription, free quote or gardening tips e-book.  
  • Give you access to lead’s information: In exchange for the value your lead capture page provides possible customers, you receive access to their contact information. Having the ability to contact leads increases your opportunity to convert them to customers.  

Market Before the Busy Season   

Now you know these marketing ideas for landscapers, remember that it is key to implement your strategy well before busy season. Think of it this way: If you are already the top-of-mind landscaping company for your current and prospective clients, when landscaping season comes around you’ll have saved the resources and expense of having to convert leads to customers. Instead, you can earn money sooner.  


Work with Wingman 

Have these marketing ideas for landscapers given you the confidence to start growing your business with WMDM? Discover our full range of services or book a Wingman today to get started.