How long does it take to get website traffic?

Website traffic hands on keyboard

You thought you’d have more leads and sales by now! You launched your new website yesterday and still haven’t seen any forms be submitted. A little doubt knocks at your brain and suggests that you wasted your money or were sold magic marketing beans (again maybe?). The Wingman crew wants…

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Small Business Owner vs. Entrepreneur: Which One Are You?

Small Business Owner vs. Entrepreneur: Which One Are You? Zoom meeting with David Daigle showing presentation including Wingman avatar.

By David Daigle, Crew Chief at Wingman Direct Marketing  This week is Calgary Small Business Week. Yesterday, through the Calgary Chamber of Commerce,  I had the privilege of presenting a workshop to fellow small business leaders on the topic of Marketing Strategy: Back to the Basics. It was an extremely enjoyable moment for me as…

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This Coke is a Fanta. So What?

The coke is fanta - A can of coke pouring orange fanta into a glass.

June 28th, 1969 marked the date for a series of spontaneous demonstrations by members of the gay community against a police raid at the Stonewall Inn in New York. The events that occurred during the early hours of that morning is widely considered to be one of the most important…

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Seven Ways to Return to the Office Safely

Return to the office - Woman at desk with her mask on.

It has been difficult for just about every Canadian these past couple months, adjusting to isolation and staying at home. So many of us want to return to “normal” and even long to return to the office. At the base of humankind is a need to be social—in the homes…

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A Day in the (Quarantine) Life: Working From Home

Quarantine - work from home office setup

Hi everyone, I’m Vivian, the Digital Marketing Coordinator here at WMDM. We are officially in our FIFTH week of quarantine amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, and to be honest with you, I think I’ve begun to really nail down this whole “working from home” thing. After working remotely for 5 weeks,…

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10 Communication Strategies in a Time of Crisis

Communication strategies - Woman at a desk at dusk

Wingman has compiled a list of crisis communication strategies to assist your team in today’s current situation. However, this is also the way you should be marketing and running your business even in the best of times. 1. Focus on thankfulness.  You can lament the situation at hand or to…

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5 Tips for Working From Home

Working from home - home office setup with a plant

Are you currently working from home (or planning to)? Many of us have now found ourselves working in this new environment, given the circumstances. While working from home was once a luxury, companies both large and small are finding benefits to allowing their employees (and themselves!) to work from home….

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Seven Ways Job-Seekers Get Ripped Off

Job seekers - photo of an interview

Do you remember what it felt like to join the ranks of job seekers and to finally get your first job? For me, it was Toys “R” Us, and it was a mind-numbingly easy job to say the least. But when I got my first paycheque, I was thrilled. It…

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Six Months of Seasonal Marketing Ideas

seasonal marketing

Updated for 2021 on March 1, 2021 In February alone, you survived Groundhog Day, Valentine’s Day and Family Day (and of course the crew at Wingman Direct Marketing also celebrated Aviation Day on February 23rd. Here’s us last year at the Hangar Flight Museum). This will be followed quickly by…

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2020 Is About YOU. Not Business.

Today is #BellLetsTalkDay. So let’s talk about it—mental health and the stigma surrounding it, particularly in the workplace. In the fast-paced, forward-thinking nature of today’s working society, it’s easy to forget to take a step back and check up on how YOU are doing. We spend more hours of our…

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