How to Advertise Your Tutoring Services

Blue desk with felts, coffee, and a white board that says tutoring.

Work with a WMDM to gain more students for your tutoring business.  

Whether you are starting out as full-time tutor or growing your small business, a strategic marketing plan is key to seeing your venture succeed. Even though you have all the skills required to empower and educate your students — gaining those students requires comprehensive marketing efforts.  

Trust us, we understand how much time and investment it takes to see your business flourish and how rewarding it is to positively impact your clients — or in your case, your students. We also understand that without the assistance of an expert team of marketers, endeavouring to advertise your tutoring services may feel overwhelming.  

With the WMDM team in your corner, we can take away the stress of having to market your tutoring business and provide you the freedom to focus your energy on teaching students who need a little extra support.  

Read on to discover a few of the ways the Wingman crew can help you gain more students through advertising your tutoring services.  

Do Choose Direct Mail  

As a tutor, you know the importance of building a meaningful connection with your students. Direct mail, especially in an increasingly digital world, is a meaningful way to connect with prospects and convert them into new customers.  

With decades of experience in the field of direct mail, our team of experts can help you develop a campaign that:  

  • Targets your ideal demographic. The wingman crew excels at target market research. With our aid, your direct mail advertisements will reach the people who require your services the most — helping you gain new business, and students gain a new tutor.  
  • Builds an emotional connection with clients while also citing a clear CTA. Since so much advertising occurs on the internet, direct mail has become a unique way of receiving information. As a well-crafted, creative and informative channel to promote your tutoring business, direct mail is able to connect with clients through all five of the senses — even taste. Additionally, this impactful and lasting marketing tool is useful for imparting the key messaging of your company and prompting parents and/or prospective students to connect with your tutoring business through a clear call-to-action.  

Invest in Brochures and Pamphlets  

Similar to the impact direct mail has on potential customers, brochures and pamphlets — known in the marketing world as “print collateral”  — are a powerful medium for educating parents and students about the tutoring services you offer.  

Not only do printed marketing materials including brochures and pamphlets have a longer shelf-life than an online ad, but they also: 

  • Can be handed-out where your target market will have direct access to them. Brochures and pamphlets are ideal for leaving at schools, daycares, after-school programs and community centres. Placing tangible, informational and sensory appealing advertisements in areas where students and parents are can read your brochure increases the chance of converting leads into regular clients. Additionally, should a parent ask their child’s teacher for a tutoring service referral, having access to your brochure puts you as the top-of-mind business recommendation.  
  • Impart a sense of professionalism and trust in your tutoring services. There is something about a well-crafted, informative and expertly branded piece of marketing literature that instils a sense of trust and professionalism in one’s business. These characteristics are key for any service, but especially for an industry that educates young minds.  

Focus on Brand and Logo Design  

No matter how informative your direct mail campaign or brochures may be, if you do not have a cohesive and impactful brand story then prospective clients will not connect with your company.  

With a Wingman crew member by your side, we can ensure that your branding and logo design

  • Builds a memorable symbol of your company for clients and prospects alike. Name recognition is key to standing out from the competition. Be the primary tutoring service referred by customers through a brand development that resonates with your target market and logo design that sticks in the minds of your students.  
  • Conveys your tutoring business’ brand authority. Whether or not a teacher refers your business or an interested parent books a consultation relies heavily on if he or she feels your tutoring service can be trusted. Branding and logo design that resonates with your target market is the first step in illustrating your expertise and that your company’s values align your customers values.  

Don’t Forget to Refine Your Website 

Although print advertising is undoubtedly effective, we do live in a digital world and having an easily navigational, on-brand and informative website design is a must.  

Our team of experts can help you build or update a website that: 

  • Engages your audience with a functional and aesthetically pleasing design. Your website is another avenue through which to illustrate your company’s unique branding — while also making it easy for parents and students to discover the services you offer, reviews of those tutoring services and to get in touch with you. 
  • Enables you to get in touch with leads and convert them into clients. Whether through a contact page, booking form or newsletter signup, there are a plethora of ways you can provide value to prospective clients while also learning their contact information. Having access to leads’ contact information will enable you to follow up on their interest in your company and generate more business.  

Work with Wingman 

Are you ready to advertise your tutoring services with the help of the WMDM team of experts? Discover our full range of services or book a Wingman today to get started.